My wife and I have been married for 8 and 1/2 years. When I look at that number, it seems like such a long time, but I honestly can't imagine where all the time has gone. It's amazing how fast time flies when you're with the one person in the world who fills your heart with joy.
In my case, it's flown so fast I can remember exactly how I fell in love with Misha. Some of you may want to stop reading, because it gets pretty mushy from here.
I went on a date with Misha the other night, and we spent some time remembering specific things that attracted us to each other. I expected to have a hard time remembering specifics, having been 8 1/2 years and all, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that it's still as clear as anything. I can remember the specific conversations, playful looks, a certain smile just for me, and all the special things about Misha that drew me to her, and eventually won my heart. I say eventually, but it didn't take very long.
Misha and I were not exactly love at first sight, we're not Romeo and Juliet, but I can't imagine life without Misha. It's really kind of amazing to me. I've always known how much I don't deserve her, but for some strange reason, she keeps hanging around. And for some strange reason, she looked my way in the first place.
I was taken with Misha from the first time we had a real conversation. I knew from the beginning, as does everyone who meets her, that she is smart, funny, talented, the kind of person you enjoy being around. I was intoxicated. I couldn't get enough. I would watch for her to walk across the commons from my 3rd story window and race down the stairs to non-chalantly turn the corner and "accidentally" bump into her, sometimes quite literally. Then we would walk around campus for hours, just talking. I began to delve the depths of her compassion, kindness, humor, intelligence, and I spent hours memorizing the lines of her face, the exact color of her eyes, and, yes, even the shape of her body.
I don't remember much about the two years we dated that doesn't include Misha. Even when we weren't together, I was thinking about her. It was like a dream. A beautiful, wonderful dream.
But as beautiful as it was, I feel like our relationship now, 8 1/2 years, 3 kids, 4 dogs, and 3 cats later, is infinitely more beautiful and rewarding than it was then. I still can't get enough of her, I am still intoxicated, and the smell of her perfume still sets my heart on a wild sprint.
I am more deeply in love with my wife than I was all that time ago. Amazing.
1 year ago
Ahem...come by and see me later.